Listen to Lomakayu:
I love being, and being in this human form is a wondrous thing.
It’s a wondrous thing, but we do lose what we love and there is pain.
You might ask, “How do I have a steady ground of peace in spite of loss, pain, and tragedy?
How do I live in two worlds in the same moment?”
The Medicine of One is born from my own imperfection, born from my own mistakes, ignorance, and errors. It reflects what I have learned.
I invite you and welcome you to explore and find what may help you on your journey.
About Medicine of One
Native Amercan Medicine men pray to become a hollow bone when healing someone. May we all be hollow bones for each other and serve the greater good. The Mystery in me honors the myster in you ~ Lomakayu.
Celtic Shamanism
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Shamanic Path of Presence
Healing Power of Earth – Sedona
Medicine Circles & Medicine Wheels
Emotional Integration & Soulfulness
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Books, Music & Videos
©2020 Medicine of One