Recommended Reading & Listening
Most of these are books I read a number of years ago and feel that they had an influence on me. Once Medicine of One was established my reading has been only in the Non-Duality realm as that is the ultimate teaching of the Medicine of One. Which is to Live AT The Center as The Big I.
That is with the exception of hundreds of titles I have narrated that are available for purchase on Audible as well as for free on Youtube.
Below are some of my recommendations.
Please visit my Audiobooks pages for recommendations.

Medicine of One
If you are interested in exploring more of the Medicine of One.

One Noble Truth
A different shorter version of Medicine of One.
The One Noble Truth is to live at the center.

Nothing Special – Everyday Zen
Unsurpassed in its basic down to earth wisdom in living a life of presence.

The Dance – The Invitation
It challenges us to live our truth and not be afraid to reveal herself.

The Wisdom of No Escape – When Things Fall Apart
Real readable books on Zen Buddhist practice with presence.

A Path With Heart, A Guide Through the Perils and Promise of Spiritual Life

Romancing the Shadow, Illuminating the Dark Side of the Soul
An insightful and absorbing portrayal of how shadow-work can help cultivate deeper self-knowledge and authenticity. Explores the role of ego, healthy inter dependency, and lots more good stuff.
“In defending against pain, we defend against love.”

Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart
Going on Being
Thoughts Without A Thinker
A Buddhist perspective on wholeness–lessons from meditation and psychotherapy–great teachings on making friends with emptiness.

The Healing of Emotion- Ecstasy is a New Frequency
Inspiring guides to understanding and healing painful emotions and raising our frequency. Ecstacy is living with the soul in the body.

Anam Cara, A Book of Celtic Wisdom
A pure delight of a book–in everyone’s life, there is a great need for an anam cara (Gaelic for soul friend).

The Mastery of Love, A Practical Guide to Relationships

The Four Agreements
Simple but profound wisdom from a master of the Toltec tradition. He reveals the source of self-limiting beliefs that robs us of joy and create needless suffering.

The Pathwork of Self-Transformation
The Pathwork outlines the process of personal spiritual development and confronts our devils as well as our angels. It shows us how to accept ourselves fully as we are now and then to move beyond the negativity that blocks our personal and spiritual evolution

The Power of Now
A little too mental for me but still cuts to the truth..

Be As You Are
Your I AM is The Circle in the Medicine of One

I Am That
This and the above book by Ramana are really the essences of the Big I. But this is Advaita teachings and can be a bit difficult if you are new to the subject.

A Perfect Brilliant Stillness
A brilliant exploration of a sudden awakening in the jungle, that took years to integrate.