Testimonials, Feedback & Comments
For Clay Lomakayu Miller
I have seen many many wonderful people during the past 25 years from all over the world. Did I say 25 years? I did indeed. There have been many hundreds of people who have journeyed here from Australia, Japan, Russian, Denmark, Holland, England, South Africa, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Columbia . . . I can not name them all. We are all the same and what blocks our way is the same.
Thank you
The Gratitude is Mine
My work with people has taught me more than I ever dreamed of. There would be no Medicine of One without the earnest commitment and surrender of my clients, many who have evolved into friends. Here on this page, you see their many thanks. And I receive their gratitude and send it back many fold. My time with clients is a sacred intimate time. True intimacy (into-me-you-see). For whatever I have asked of anyone I stand with them ready to do myself. When we stand together in the circle of the Medicine of One we share REAL time that is timeless. I am honored by their words of gratitude and recognition.
In truth whatever gift they take home with them has been delivered from within themselves. In truth whatever happens, happens by us, myself included getting out of the way. It comes through me and not by me. And that is the greatest thing I have learned. How to get out of the way. Here are just a few of the wonderful testimonials from the shamanic counseling and healing, soul journey sessions land journeys, retreats, and Vision Quests. I am constantly humbled. In no way do I take credit for the gifts that people receive. They graciously call me a shaman but rather let me be called nothing or just Lomakayu which means “everything finished well”