Together we must then, consciously gather what has been abandoned.
Your vision is a song, it is music, and much of it is lost in the effort to survive.
So many times that which is the primary force of survival in the circle of who we are is that which blocks our vision. We abandon our truth for a false i-dentity in the effort to be safe, valued, and powerful. And yet ironically, in doing so, we deny our Selves True Value, True Safety, and True Power. This inner force of survival, like the kingpin personality, can not allow us to trust, to surrender, to be. This gathering I call, Gathering Soul Medicine.

This Spine of your existence, this movement like the flow of the river of your being, what is its uniqueness?
Only then are we ready to give the song of who you are concrete form. This is what you gift the world with, your very presence, like the effortless scenting of the air by a wildflower. This Spine of your existence, this movement like the flow of the river of your being, what is its uniqueness? This uniqueness will be expressed as something that has always been there, that you are good at and you enjoy doing. But it is something that you are, which means that in just being you receive the gift, that is gifted to the world. It does not matter what kind of work you do. The movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life”, is a great reminder of this. When we doubt our basic worth, abandon the trust of our truth, and move away from the fears that stir within us, the skies of our vision become clouded. So Clear the Way, NOW!
Our loneliness is born from the old history that we cling to. Whatever you use to define yourself, to give yourself i-dentity will feed your loneliness. No one can know your experience as you have felt it, or not felt it. We can share our pain, we can comfort, but if what we believe we are is this false i-dentity that we have constructed, then we die alone. But if we have a greater vision of who we are and we commit our life to be that vision, then that vision will lead us home where we will never be alone, and we are The Medicine Of One.
For it is this deepest heartfelt Vision, that connects us with our self, with everyone, and with everything.
What you see described below are some of the possible the components of our time together . . . but each person takes in the world and sees it from their own uniqueness . . . some times my greatest service is just taking you to the right places and being quiet.